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Kisan Credit Card (KCC) Loan Scheme

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अगले स्लाइड के लिए स्क्रीन टैप करें

To protect Indian farmers from the excessive interest rates charged by unorganised money lenders, the Kisan Credit Card (KCC) was introduced.

What is kcc?

Farmers can get a loan whenever they need one. The interest paid is also variable, so if clients pay their bills on time, they will pay a lesser interest rate.


This caused a lot of issues for farmers, particularly when they experienced natural disasters like hailstorms, droughts, etc.


Kisan credit card loans, on the other hand, provide a lower interest rate and a flexible repayment plan.


Anyone who is working in agriculture, adjacent industries, or other non-farming occupations can apply for a Kisan credit card loan.


PAN cards, Aadhaar cards, voter identification cards, passports, licences, and any other government-issued photo identification


Aadhaar cards, passports, utility bills that are no older than three months, or any other form of address verification accepted by the government


Last three months' worth of pay stubs, the last two years' worth of audited financials (for self-employed individuals), Form 16, etc.


The interest rate is set by the bank and is based on a number of variables, including the farmer's previous credit history, the area being farmed, the product being grown, etc.


Hero Fincorp Personal Loan

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